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How to automatically populate CreatedDate and ModifiedDate?

I am learning ASP.NET Core MVC and my model is

namespace Joukyuu.Models
    public class Passage
        public int PassageId { get; set; }
        public string Contents { get; set; }

        public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }
        public DateTime ModifiedDate { get; set; }

The Passage table is used to save passages I wrote.


  • Create view just has one field Contents to input a passage. CreatedDate and ModifiedDate must be automatically set equal by the server (using UTC format).

  • Edit view just has one field Contents to edit a passage. ModifiedDate must be automatically set by the server.


What attributes I have to attach to the CreatedDate and ModifiedDate properties to make them automatically populated by the server based on the above scenario?


  • What attributes I have to attach to the CreatedDate and ModifiedDate properties to make them automatically populated by the server based on the above scenario?

    Solution 1)

    namespace Joukyuu.Models
        public class Passage
            public int PassageId { get; set; }
            public string Contents { get; set; }
            public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }
            public DateTime ModifiedDate { get; set; }
           public Passage()
             this.CreatedDate  = DateTime.UtcNow;
             this.ModifiedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

    and by edit you have to change/update it by your self!

    Solution 2)

    Custom attribute:

    [SqlDefaultValue(DefaultValue = "getutcdate()")]
    public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }

    Entity Framework 6 Code first Default value

    Solution 3)

    with help of Computed:

    [Required, DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed)]
    public DateTime CreatedUtc { get; set; 
                c => new
                        ProductId = c.Int(nullable: false, identity: true),
                        Name = c.String(),
                        CreatedUtc = c.DateTime(nullable: false, defaultValueSql: "GETUTCDATE()"),
                .PrimaryKey(t => t.ProductId);

    Solution 4) You can also do this with command interceptor by modifying manually the query.

    Solution 5) Use Repository pattern to manage the data creation and set it by CreateNew This is my favour Solution!

    Solution 6) just set it or get in in the UI or in your VM.

    In Entity Framework Core 1.0 easy:

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            .Property(b => b.CreatedDate )