I'm trying to respawn an object at "x" amount of time however when i use yield and startcourutine it causes a lot of errors and mistakes in my code. and instead of destroying i want to hide the object and enable it again when i respawn it after the delay. how is this possible if i have arrays?
For a direct respawn on the same position you can do this:
public class CrateCrash : MonoBehaviour
public void InitRespawn(GameObject toRespawn)
StartCoroutine(RespawnObject(toRespawn, 5.0f));
private IEnumerator RespawnObject(GameObject toRespawn, float delay)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);
The other class:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Crate : MonoBehaviour
CrateCrash manager;
public void OnMouseDown()
public void SetManagerReference(CrateCrash managerRef)
manager = managerRef;