I would like to obtain array in object within array.
Original structure:
Array [ object, ..., object ]
var dateC = [
key: "2016-01-01",
values: **[
{city:"", country:""...},
key: "2016-01-02",
values: [
var dateC2 = dateC.filter(function(d) { return d.key == selected; }).map(function(d) { return d.values })
I extracted the object from dateC that has key: "2016-01-01" using the above code.
Current structure:
Array [ Array[114] ]
var dateC2 = [
key: "2016-01-01",
values: **[
{city:"", country:""...},
Desired structure:
Array [ Object, ..., Object ]
**[{city:"", country:""...}, {...}]**
Array that I want is contained by **
I am not sure how I should use forEach method to get the array from values because I have already use filter and map on dateC to obtain dateC2. Alternatively, is there a quicker way to obtain the desired structure from original structure?
You could use a single loop for it with Array#reduce
var dateC2 = dateC.reduce(function(r, d) {
return d.key == selected ?
}, []);