Using Excel VBA, how do I lock worksheets with multiple different variables i.e. Allowing users to use Autofilter and the sort option.
I have gotten this far:
Worksheets("Sheet 1").Protect Password:="Password"
What do I write next to allow user to: Select un/locked cells Format columns/rows Sort Use Autofilter
Thank you,
There are 16 parameters you can use with the Protect
method of the worksheet. Here is a code sample based off this MSDN article:
Option Explicit
Sub LockSheet()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
ws.Protect Password:="Foo", _
DrawingObjects:=True, _
Contents:=True, _
Scenarios:=True, _
UserInterfaceOnly:=True, _
AllowFormattingCells:=True, _
AllowFormattingColumns:=True, _
AllowFormattingRows:=True, _
AllowInsertingColumns:=True, _
AllowInsertingRows:=True, _
AllowInsertingHyperlinks:=True, _
AllowDeletingColumns:=True, _
AllowDeletingRows:=True, _
AllowSorting:=True, _
AllowFiltering:=True, _
End Sub