It is possible to fetch user's media feed from Instagram without authorization using below URL and control the data that is presented ?{username}/media/
The response comes with JSON format:
status: "ok",
items: [
can_delete_comments: false,
code: "BHN55zegQYk",
location: null,
images: {
low_resolution: {
url: "",
width: 320,
height: 320
thumbnail: {
url: "",
width: 150,
height: 150
standard_resolution: {
url: "",
width: 640,
height: 640
can_view_comments: true,
comments: {
count: 2,
data: [
created_time: "1467158133",
text: "#flowermuse #peonyseason #peonies #peonylove",
from: { /* user object */ },
id: "17848900168109698"
created_time: "1467171168",
text: "😍!!",
from: { /* user object */ },
id: "17848905430109698"
alt_media_url: null,
caption: {
created_time: "1467157926",
text: "The first of Alaskan peonies going out this week! 🙌",
from: { /* user object */ },
id: "17848900084109698"
link: "",
likes: {
count: 156,
data: [
{ /* user object */ },
{ /* user object */ },
{ /* user object */ },
{ /* user object */ }
created_time: "1467157926",
user_has_liked: false,
type: "image",
id: "1282936129804371492_25920898",
user: { /* user object */ }
{ /* more media objects */ }
Is it possible somehow to filter this data ? For example I just need images
parts of the returned items and I can easily skip the user
data, their comments, likes, etc.
I would like to limit data that is fetched just to the image sources and its description.
You cannot access any Instagram API without authorization anymore, You will need access_token
You cannot get a filtered JSON feed with just images, the json data feed is very small, you can just grab the entire feed and make a filtered feed on client end.