I have a scheduler and a dropdown in a diary app. The scheduler is configured as such:
date : Date.now(),
workDayStart: new Date("2015/1/1 08:00 AM"),
workDayEnd: new Date("2015/1/1 8:00 PM"),
dateHeaderTemplate: kendo.template("<strong>#=kendo.toString(date, 'ddd dd/M')#</strong>"),
majorTimeHeaderTemplate: kendo.template("<strong>#=kendo.toString(date, 'HH')#</strong><sup>00</sup>"),
minorTimeHeaderTemplate: kendo.template("<strong>#=kendo.toString(date, 'HH')#</strong><sup>#=kendo.toString(date, 'mm')#</sup>"),
selectable: true,
messages: {
ariaSlotLabel: "Selected from {0:g} to {0:g}",
showWorkDay: "Show core work hours"
editable: {
window: {
title: "Work Request Details",
width: "800px"
template: $("#customEditorTemplate").html()
edit: function (e) {
//set the start end datetime
if (e.event.isNew && e.event.id == -1) {
var startDtp = e.container.find("[name=start][data-role=datetimepicker]");
var endDtp = e.container.find("[name=end][data-role=datetimepicker]");
var setStartDate = e.event.start;
var setEndDate = e.event.end;
setEndDate.setHours(-6); // by default the end date is midnight on the following day of the selected cell so we subtract 6h to get 18:00 on the selected date.
$(startDtp).data("kendoDateTimePicker").value(setStartDate); //set start date to the selected cell start date and time 08:00
$(endDtp).data("kendoDateTimePicker").value(setEndDate); //set enddate to the selected cell end date and time 18:00
var recurrenceEditor = e.container.find("[data-role=recurrenceeditor]").data("kendoRecurrenceEditor");
//set start option value, used to define the week 'Repeat on' selected checkboxes
start: new Date(e.event.start)
eventTemplate: $("#eventTemplate").html(),
height: 550,
messages: {
allDay: "Anytime"
views: [
{ type: "day", allDaySlot: true},
{ type: "week", eventHeight: 80 },
{ type: "timeline", eventHeight: 80 },
{ type: "timelineWeek", selected: true, majorTick: 1440, minorTickCount: 1, eventHeight: 80 },
{ type: "agenda" },
{ type: "month", eventHeight: 80 }
timezone: "Etc/UTC",
selectable: true,
dataSource: {
parameterMap: function parameterMap(data, type) {
if (type === "read") {
//var reqFilter = wRequestFilter.value();
var reqFilter = 'ALL'
if (reqFilter == "MY") {
data.filter = { logic: "and", filters: [{ field: "diary", operator: "eq", value: 'UIS' }, { field: "AssigneeID", operator: "eq", value: 1 }] };
} else if (reqFilter == "ALL") {
data.filter = { logic: "and", filters: [{ field: "diary", operator: "eq", value: 'UIS' }] };
} else {
data.filter = { logic: "and", filters: [{ field: "diary", operator: "eq", value: 'UIS' }, { field: "team", operator: "eq", value: reqFilter }] };
return data;
type: "signalr",
push: function (e) {
generateNotification(e.type, e.items[0].WRequestID, e.items[0].diary, e.items[0].team);
transport: {
signalr: {
hub: sHub,
promise: sHubStart,
server: {
read: "read",
create: "create",
update: "update",
destroy: "destroy"
client: {
read: "read",
create: "create",
update: "update",
destroy: "destroy"
schema: {
model: {
id: "WRequestID",
fields: {
WRequestID: {
type: "number",
editable: false,
defaultValue: -1
start: {
from: "Start",
type: "date",
culture: "en-GB"
end : {
from: "End",
type: "date",
culture: "en-GB" },
diary: {
from: "Diary",
type: "string",
defaultValue: "@AppShort"
team: {
from: "Team",
type: "string",
validation: { required: true }
title: {
from: "Title",
type: "string",
validation: { required: true }
workManager: {
from: "WorkManagerID",
type: "number",
validation: { required: true }
assignee: {
from: "AssigneeID",
type: "number",
validation: { required: true }
changeRef: {
from: "ChangeRef",
type: "string",
validation: { required: true }
description: {
from: "Description",
type: "string",
validation: { required: true }
impactedServers: {
from: "ImpactedServers",
type: "string",
validation: { required: true }
impactedServices: {
from: "ImpactedServices",
type: "string",
validation: { required: true }
isBAU: {
from: "IsBAU",
type: "boolean",
defaultValue: false
projectRef: {
from: "ProjectRef",
type: "string",
validation: { required: true }
notes: {
from: "Notes",
type: "string"
isOOH: {
from: "IsOOH",
type: "boolean",
defaultValue: false
isAllDay: {
from: "IsAllDay",
type: "boolean",
defaultValue: false
recurrenceRule: {
from: "RecurrenceRule",
type: "string"
recurrenceId: {
from: "RecurrenceID",
type: "number"
recurrenceException: {
from: "RecurrenceException",
type: "string"
startTimezone: {
from: "StartTimezone",
type: "string"
endTimezone: {
from: "EndTimezone",
type: "string"
requestStatus: {
from: "RequestStatus",
type: "number",
defaultValue: 0
I am trying to use parameterMap to filter the data based on one or two bits of data.
My problem is that the data is not filtered at all and the parameterMap function is never triggered. Is this the best approach or is there another way of implementing filtering.
Any help appreciated.
As requested... this is my signalR hub code:
Public Class WRequestHub
Inherits Hub
Private requestService As SchedulerRequestService
Public Sub New()
requestService = New SchedulerRequestService()
End Sub
Public Function Read() As IEnumerable(Of WRequestViewModel)
Return requestService.GetAll()
End Function
Public Sub Update(request As WRequestViewModel)
End Sub
Public Sub Destroy(request As WRequestViewModel)
End Sub
Public Function Create(request As WRequestViewModel) As WRequestViewModel
Return request
End Function
Public Sub LockRecord(id As Integer)
Clients.Others.lockRecord(New With {
Key .id = id
End Sub
Public Sub UnlockRecord(id As Integer)
Clients.Others.unlockRecord(New With {
Key .id = id
End Sub
End Class
And this is my SchedulerRequestService class...
Public Class SchedulerRequestService
Public Overridable Function GetAll() As IQueryable(Of WRequestViewModel)
Using de As New SupportDiaryEntities
Dim rList As IQueryable(Of WRequestViewModel)
rList = (From r In de.tWorkRequests
Select New WRequestViewModel() With {
.WRequestID = r.WRequestID,
.Start = r.Start,
.[End] = r.[End],
.Title = r.Title,
.Diary = r.Diary,
.Team = r.Team,
.WorkManagerID = r.WorkManagerID,
.AssigneeID = r.AssigneeID,
.ChangeRef = r.ChangeRef,
.Description = r.Description,
.ImpactedServers = r.ImpactedServers,
.ImpactedServices = r.ImpactedServices,
.IsBAU = r.IsBAU,
.ProjectRef = r.ProjectRef,
.Notes = r.Notes,
.IsOOH = r.IsOOH,
.IsAllDay = r.IsAllDay,
.RecurrenceRule = r.RecurrenceRule,
.RecurrenceID = r.RecurrenceID,
.RecurrenceException = r.RecurrenceException,
.StartTimezone = r.StartTimezone,
.EndTimezone = r.EndTimezone,
.RequestStatus = r.RequestStatus
Return rList
End Using
End Function
'OTHER FUNCTIONS (Insert, Update, Delete) Removed for brevity.
End Class
With some help from Calinaadi and examples of filtering a SignalR datasource on a Kendo Grid I can see that I need to modify my read function to accept my filter(s). Unfortunately the examples used with the grid had .take, .skip, .sort, .filter and .aggregate as paramenters which I understand when you have a grid with paging and you want to take X records after skipping Y records.
This is a typical example from telerik demos...
public DataSourceResult Read(MyDataSourceRequest request)
return productService.Read().ToDataSourceResult(request.Take, request.Skip, request.Sort, request.Filter, request.Aggregates);
For a scheduler I would expect a read to fetch back all events with an end on or after the start of the current scheduler view and a start on or before the end of the current scheduler view. Probably sorted by start. Filtered by the field filters is necessary (these are the filters I've set). I can't see take, skip or aggregate have any concept in fetching event data.
My app function completely apart from the filtering. I have a VS solution I can share if necessary with database populated with dummy records.
Offering a bounty for any help.
After many searches and much reading. I now have a working system. The scheduler required the parameter serverFiltering: true
also the Read, Create, Update and Destroy
functions has to be redone to accept the filter that was posted. If anyone would like a copy of the code which is a tad too much to post here I can let you have it.