Search code examples

knapsack algorithm with two weights

I have questions which is the following:

Solve the knapsack 0-1 problem(not fractional) Assuming that every object have weight w1 or w2 (there only two weights). Capacity=W, the algorithm must run on O(nlogn).

I tried to solve, the greedy algorithm doesn't work, the dynamic programming algorithm is O(n*W).

Can anyone give me hint. Thank you.


  • You can divide the elements in 2 parts, one that have w1 as weight and the other that have w2 as weight.

    Now you can sort the two lists above according to their costs.

    A1 : sorted by cost in descending order, elements that have weight as w1

    A2 : sorted by cost in descending order, elements that have weight as w2

    Now you can create prefix sum of both the array lets call them P1, P2.

    example :

    Array : 11, 8, 5, 3, 1

    Prefix sum : 11, 19, 24, 27, 28

    Once you have the prefix sum, you can iterate over the P1 array and try to include elements upto the ith index. Once we include elements upto i, we have W - (w1*i) weight left we can then try to binary search this weight in the P2 array.

    Pseudo code :

    A : input array
    create A1 : cost of elements having w1 weight
    create A2 : cost of elements having w2 weight
    sort(A1, descending)
    sort(A2, descending)
    for(i=0;i <= A1.size();i++){
          P1[i] = P1[i-1] + A1[i];
          P2[i] = P2[i-1] + A2[i];
    int ans = 0;
          if(i * w1 <= W){
                int wLeft = W - i * w1;
                int ans = binarySearch(wLeft, P2) + p1[i];  
    ans => contains the answer
    //-----------Binary search function
    int binarySearch(int weight, P2[]){
          int start = 0, end = P2.size(), ans = 0;
          int mid = (start+end)/2;
          while(start <= end){
                if(mid * w2 <= weight){
                      start = mid + 1;
                      ans = max(ans, p2[mid]);
                      end = mid - 1;
    return ans

    The overall complexity is O(n * log n).

    As suggested by @j_random_hacker we can iterate over the second prefix array, as we can only improve the solution by adding elements, it would simplify the code by removing the binary search.