The question is fairly straight forward, what I'm trying to do is restore my process' detoured functions.
When I say detoured I mean the usual jmp
instruction to an unknown location.
For example, when the ntdll.dll export NtOpenProcess()
is not detoured, the first 5 bytes of the instruction of the function are along the lines of mov eax, *
(The * offset depending on the OS version.)
When it gets detoured, that mov eax, *
turns into a jmp.
What I'm trying to do is restore their bytes to what they were originally before any memory modifications.
My idea was to try and read the information I need from the disk, not from memory, however I do not know how to do that as I'm just a beginner.
Any help or explanation is greatly welcomed, if I did not explain my problem correctly please tell me!
I ended up figuring it out.
Example on NtOpenProcess. Instead of restoring the bytes I decided to jump over them instead.
First we have to define the base of ntdll.
/* locate ntdll */
#define NTDLL _GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll")
Once we've done that, we're good to go. GetOffsetFromRva will calculate the offset of the file based on the address and module header passed to it.
for (unsigned i = 0, sections = nth->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i < sections; i++, sectionHeader++)
if (sectionHeader->VirtualAddress <= RVA)
if ((sectionHeader->VirtualAddress + sectionHeader->Misc.VirtualSize) > RVA)
RVA -= sectionHeader->VirtualAddress;
RVA += sectionHeader->PointerToRawData;
return RVA;
return 0;
We call this to get us the file offset that we need in order to find the original bytes of the function.
DWORD GetExportPhysicalAddress(HMODULE hmModule, char* szExportName)
if (!hmModule)
return 0;
DWORD dwModuleBaseAddress = (DWORD)hmModule;
if (pHeaderDOS->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
return 0;
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS * pHeaderNT = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)(dwModuleBaseAddress + pHeaderDOS->e_lfanew);
if (pHeaderNT->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
return 0;
/* get the export virtual address through a custom GetProcAddress function. */
void* pExportRVA = GetProcedureAddress(hmModule, szExportName);
if (pExportRVA)
/* convert the VA to RVA... */
DWORD dwExportRVA = (DWORD)pExportRVA - dwModuleBaseAddress;
/* get the file offset and return */
return GetOffsetFromRva(pHeaderNT, dwExportRVA);
return 0;
Using the function that gets us the file offset, we can now read the original export bytes.
size_t ReadExportFunctionBytes(HMODULE hmModule, char* szExportName, BYTE* lpBuffer, size_t t_Count)
/* get the offset */
DWORD dwFileOffset = GetExportPhysicalAddress(hmModule, szExportName);
if (!dwFileOffset)
return 0;
/* get the path of the targetted module */
char szModuleFilePath[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileNameA(hmModule, szModuleFilePath, MAX_PATH);
if (strnull(szModuleFilePath))
return 0;
/* try to open the file off the disk */
FILE *fModule = fopen(szModuleFilePath, "rb");
if (!fModule)
/* we couldn't open the file */
return 0;
/* go to the offset and read it */
fseek(fModule, dwFileOffset, SEEK_SET);
size_t t_Read = 0;
if ((t_Read = fread(lpBuffer, t_Count, 1, fModule)) == 0)
/* we didn't read anything */
return 0;
/* close file and return */
return t_Read;
And we can retrieve the syscall index from the mov instruction originally placed in the first 5 bytes of the export on x86.
DWORD GetSyscallIndex(char* szFunctionName)
BYTE buffer[5];
ReadExportFunctionBytes(NTDLL, szFunctionName, buffer, 5);
if (!buffer)
return 0;
return BytesToDword(buffer + 1);
Get the NtOpenProcess address and add 5 to trampoline over it.
DWORD _ptrNtOpenProcess = (DWORD) GetProcAddress(NTDLL, "NtOpenProcess") + 5;
DWORD _oNtOpenProcess = GetSyscallIndex("NtOpenProcess");
The recovered/reconstructed NtOpenProcess.
__declspec(naked) NTSTATUS NTAPI _NtOpenProcess
_Out_ PHANDLE ProcessHandle,
_In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
_In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,
_In_opt_ PCLIENT_ID ClientId
) {
mov eax, [_oNtOpenProcess]
jmp dword ptr ds : [_ptrNtOpenProcess]
Let's call it.
int main()
printf("NtOpenProcess %x index: %x\n", _ptrNtOpenProcess, _oNtOpenProcess);
uint32_t pId = 0;
pId = GetProcessByName("notepad.exe");
} while (pId == 0);
cid.UniqueProcess = (HANDLE)pId;
cid.UniqueThread = 0;
InitializeObjectAttributes(&oa, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
HANDLE hProcess;
ntStat = _NtOpenProcess(&hProcess, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, &oa, &cid);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStat))
printf("Couldn't open the process. NTSTATUS: %d", ntStat);
return 0;
printf("Successfully opened the process.");
/* clean up. */
return 0;