I'm trying to use unwrap to remove an parent element. I'm following the documentation and yet it doesn't work; I have Html Like this: test html
and I wrote this function to clone and unwrap it:
var htmlTemplate = $('#htmlTemplate').clone().removeAttr('id').unwrap();
When I run this code the template still has the outer span on it. Does anyone know how to unwrap this properly?
To unwrap an element it should have a parent. You are creating a DOM fragment and trying to unwrap it. But it has no parents.
Say, there's some dom:
<div class="outer"></div>
With the parent in place unwraping goes just fine:
var inner = '<span class="inner">test html</span>',
$outer = $('.outer');
// First you would want your element to get a parent.
// Then unwrap it
$('button').on('click', function() {
here's the fiddle
So, if you want to remove the outer span, you should target the inner one and it will unwrap.
For the updated fragment: .clone() doesn't copy any parents it copies only the element and all it's descendants. So when you use clone - you build a separate fragment with root at the selected element.
.unwrap() removes the parent(s) of the matched element(s). So to unwrap the inner span you must select it with jQuery.
<div class="outer"></div>
var html = "<span><span class='inner'>test html </span></span>";
var $html = $(html);
var unwraped = $html.find('.inner').unwrap();
another fiddle
There's difference between traversing the DOM and modifying it. When you use .find() - you are traversing (moving from element to element). The structure of the DOM tree stays the same. When you use .unwrap() - you are altering the structure (removing an element from the DOM).