I want to make specified message dialog in c# windows phone 8.1 but i don't know how to change the button text Please help me!
I used this code :
MessageItem kiirat = DataHandler.DeserializeRespMessage(resp);
MessageDialog msgbox = new MessageDialog(kiirat.Text.ToString());
await msgbox.ShowAsync();
but the button text is close, how to change it a same one?
Try this...
MessageDialog msgDialog = new MessageDialog("message here... ", "title here");
//add ok button
UICommand okBtn = new UICommand("OK");
okBtn.Invoked = OkBtnClick;
//add cancel button
UICommand cancelBtn = new UICommand("Cancel");
cancelBtn.Invoked = CancelBtnClick;
//show message
await msgDialog.ShowAsync();
//code for cancel click
private void CancelBtnClick(IUICommand command)
//code for ok click
private void OkBtnClick(IUICommand command)