I am using Dynamic Reports to create Reports and am able to create it. But the issue is that when i convert it to excel, the cell in the excel showing a warning as Number Stored as Text. Because of this no operation is possible.
Here is my code
File file = new File("c:/report.xls");
JasperXlsExporterBuilder xlsExporter = export.xlsExporter(file).setDetectCellType(true).setIgnorePageMargins(true)
report.addProperty(JasperProperty.EXPORT_XLS_FREEZE_ROW, "2").ignorePageWidth().ignorePagination().toXls(xlsExporter);
How to remove this error.
Add the following line to your code:
<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type" value="true"/>
In the Dynamic Reports samples, the report variable also sets the following. This could help depending on the column.
col.column("Quantity", "quantity", type.integerType()),
col.column("Unit price", "unitprice", type.bigDecimalType()))