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Functional Interface accepting Stream or Optional?

I want to create a @FunctionalInterface in Java which accepts both Streams or Optional types as a parameter. I tried to do this, but since they don't share a common interface it seems impossible to achieve. I also tried using a common wrapper class which invokes the @FunctionalInterface but since I need the type parameters at runtime it seems this isn't possible.

Minimum example:

public interface AcceptingInterface<S, T> {

    T accept(S s);


public class Test<S, T> {

    private final AcceptingInterface<S, T> funcInterface;

    private final Class<S> source;

    private final Class<T> target;

    public Test(AcceptingInterface<S, T> a, Class<S> s, Class<T> t) {
        this.funcInterface = a;
        this.source = s; = t;

    public T invoke(S s) {
        return s == null ? null : this.funcInterface.accept(s);

    public Class<S> getSource() {
        return source;

    public Class<T> getTarget() {
        return target;

Maybe my approach is wrong... I would love to receive feedback and/or a solution to this problem.


  • I assume you want to treat an Optional as a Stream of 0-1 elements, in which case you can add a default method that translates from Optional to Stream, thusly:

    public interface AcceptingInterface<V, T> {
        T accept(Stream<? extends V> s); 
        default T accept(Optional<? extends V> opt){
            return accept(; 

    Java 9 is supposed to add an method.