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Hdfs folder size in Clojure

I have to HDFS folder size which is having sub directories from Clojure. How to use getContentSummary and getSpaceConsumed in Clojure. I know how to do this in Java.

 FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(config);
 Path current = new Path(path);
 double size= fs.getContentSummary(current).getSpaceConsumed();

Configuration has been set already and path is passed into this function. So size now has has the size of the directory mentioned as path. This is in Java. I want to know how to do this in Clojure.



  • you "just" need to follow the java interop guide:

    (let [fs (FileSystem/get config)
          current (Path. path)
          size (.getSpaceConsumed (.getContentSummary fs current))]
      (println size))

    Or using the "->" macro, to make it read more like Java:

    (let [fs (FileSystem/get config)
          current (Path. path)
          size (-> fs (.getContentSummary current) .getSpacedConsumed)]
      (println size))