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Replacement for autocomplete_light.modelform_factory()

I'm trying to update from 2.2.10 to the current version, but my projects uses autocomplete_light.modelform_factory() several times to generate forms for creating new models on the admin side.

Like this in

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    form = autocomplete_light.modelform_factory(MyModel, fields='__all__')
    list_display = ('first_name', 'last_name')

What's the new way to generate model forms in django-autocomplete-light==3.1.6


  • I managed to talk to the maintainer of autocomplete-light on IRC (#your-labs). He said there is no replacement yet (as of version 3.1.6)

    So for now, I'm holding off on upgrading. I'll update this answer if something new comes out.