I am obfuscating my assembly with crypto obfuscator, after obfuscating my assembly, I verify with the crypto-obfuscator program if the assembly has been obfuscated. When the assembly is obfuscated I copy it and a file with .pdb extension to bin/debug where my visual studio is pointing.
Assuming whatever is in my bin/debug folder is packaged into setup msi file. When I install the setup and check if the installed assembly is obfuscated, it is NOT.
I tried to look answers on stack overflow but I couldn't get my answer.
If you require more information. Please let me know.
I Deleted Primary output from my visual studio 2010 (Setup) Project.
I Added "Obfuscated" Assembly in my setup instead.
When I built the setup, the assembly came as obfuscated when installed.
that was simple. Keep in mind Do not change the file name in any way in "Custom Actions" your program will not work.
When you choose Custom Action "Install" Select your assembly which you added in Application folder that is obfuscated assembly.