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Is that Possible To Add List<item> value from different Script File Unity C#

I have a simple questions.

I have two file script :

  1. Player.cs

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    public class player {
        public List<item> itemx = new List<item> (); // Here
  2. File Inventory.cs

            using UnityEngine;
            using System.Collections;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using UnityEngine.UI;
            public class inventory : MonoBehaviour {
                public player playerx;
                itemDatabase database;
                // Use this for initialization
                void Start () {
                    database = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("itemDatabase").GetComponent<itemDatabase> ();
                    //Generate the Slot and Slot Name;
                    for(int i = 1; i <= 24; i++) {
                        playerx.itemx.Add(new item()); // Here
                        playerx.itemx[i] = database.items[i]; // And Here

As you can see in player.cs file i have declare a list variable :

public List<item> itemx = new List<item> (); // Here

and in Inventory.cs file i want to add the value using :

playerx.itemx.Add(new item()); And Here

is that possible to save the value variable to player.cs file ?



  • NOTE

    in your question, you have

       public class Player

    instead of

       public class Player:MonoBehaviour

    I assume that's just a typo. If you're trying to have a "free" class Player (as in an OO environment), you can't do that.

    Correct, there is absolutely on problem with doing this!

    A couple of things...

    Note that in the second script it would be:

     public player playerx; ... WRONG
     public Player player; ... CORRECT

    and then just

    player.items.Add( .. etc )

    (Don't forget that of course you must drag to connect the "Player player" inspector variable. If you do not know how to do that say so and I will give you a link to a tutorial.)

    Secondly, in the first script you have a problem.

    There's a stupid thing in Unity where "public" means "inspector variable"

    In fact you want an "ordinary" public variable as in any ordinary programming language, strangely enough you have to type this

    "[System.NonSerialized] public"

    it's just one of those weird things about Unity. In fact in many projects you never use inspector variables. So you just constantly type "[System.NonSerialized] public" everywhere. The long one "[System.NonSerialized] public" is sort of the "normal" one if you see what I mean. Use it all the time. Only when you especially want an inspector variable, use "public".

      public List<item> itemx...   WRONG
      [System.NonSerialized] public List<item> items...   CORRECT