Search code examples

Kendo UI Chart - Visualize count of returned JSON fields

I want to display the counts of specific retrieved fields in my pie/donut chart. I'm retrieving data via REST and the result is in json format. The source is a list repeating values:

Example: In the following list, I'd like to get a present the number (count) of completed responses; perhaps in a second chart present the breakdown of responses by location.

var userResponse  = [
      {     User:  "Bob Smith", Status: "Completed", Location: "USA" },
      {     User:  "Jim Smith", Status: "In-Progress", Location: "USA" }, 
     {     User:  "Jane Smith", Status: "Completed", Location: "USA" },
     {     User:  "Bill Smith", Status: "Completed", Location: "Japan" },
     {     User:  "Kate Smith", Status: "In-Progress", Location: "Japan" },
     {     User:  "Sam Smith", Status: "In-Progress", Location: "USA" },

My Initialization currently looks like this:


    dataSource: {

        data: data.d.results,

        group: {

            field: "Location",


    seriesDefaults: {

        type: "donut",


    series: [{

        field: 'Id',

        categoryField: 'Location',



  • You can easily transform the data. Read it into a DataSource object grouping by location and filtering for completed only. Then fetch the data and create an array of the counts for each location:

    var pieData = [];
    var respDS = new{
      data: userResponse,
      group: {
        field: "Location",
      filter: { 
        field: "Status", 
        operator: "eq", 
        value: "Completed" },
      var view = respDS.view();
      for (var i=0; i<view.length; i++){
        var item = {};
        item.Location = view[i].value;
        item.Count = view[i].items.length;

    You end up with:

      {Location: "Japan", Count: 1},
      {Location: "USA", Count: 2},

    This can then be bound to a pie/donut.
