I am making an application that needs to read its config file for its settings.
I've defined the settings in the App_config file like so:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name="sswcomm" type="SSWAgent.SSWConfig" />
<section name="folders" type="SSWAgent.SSWConfigFolderCollection" />
<section name="folder" type="SSWAgent.SSWConfigFolderElement" />
<sswcomm id="SC_SSWTEST1" connectionInterval="5000">
<folder id="OUTGOINGATOTEST2" enable="true" includeSubFolders="true" fromPath="C:\temp\a\NET\Outgoing_A" wildcard="*.*" recipientId="C_SSWTEST2" />
<folder id="OUTGOINGBTOTEST3" enable="true" includeSubFolders="true" fromPath="C:\temp\a\NET\Outgoing_B" wildcard="*.*" recipientId="C_SSWTEST3" />
And the C# code like so:
public sealed class SSWConfig : ConfigurationSection
private static SSWConfig settings = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("sswcomm") as SSWConfig;
public static SSWConfig Settings
get { return settings; }
[ConfigurationProperty("id", DefaultValue = "", IsKey = true, IsRequired = true)]
[StringValidator(InvalidCharacters = " ~!@#$%^&*()[]{}/;’\"|\\", MinLength = 1, MaxLength = 256)]
public string Id
get { return (string)this["id"]; }
set { this["id"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty("connectionInterval", DefaultValue = "", IsKey = true, IsRequired = true)]
public int ConnectionInterval
get { return (int)this["connectionInterval"]; }
set { this["connectionInterval"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty("folders", IsDefaultCollection = true, IsKey = false, IsRequired = true)]
public SSWConfigFolderCollection Folders
get { return base["folders"] as SSWConfigFolderCollection; }
public sealed class SSWConfigFolderCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection
protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
return new SSWConfigFolderElement();
protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)
return ((SSWConfigFolderElement)element).Id;
new public SSWConfigFolderElement this[string Id]
get { return (SSWConfigFolderElement)base.BaseGet(Id); }
public override ConfigurationElementCollectionType CollectionType
return ConfigurationElementCollectionType.BasicMap;
public SSWConfigFolderElement this[int index]
get { return (SSWConfigFolderElement)base.BaseGet(index); }
protected override string ElementName
return "folder";
public sealed class SSWConfigFolderElement : ConfigurationElement
[ConfigurationProperty("id", DefaultValue = "", IsKey = true, IsRequired = true)]
[StringValidator(InvalidCharacters = " ~!@#$%^&*()[]{}/;’\"|\\", MinLength = 1, MaxLength = 256)]
public string Id
get { return (string)base["id"]; }
set { base["id"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty("enable", DefaultValue = "true", IsKey = false, IsRequired = true)]
public bool Enable
get { return (string)base["enable"] == "true"; }
set { if (value) { base["enable"] = "true"; } else { base["enable"] = "false"; } }
[ConfigurationProperty("includeSubFolders", DefaultValue = "true", IsKey = false, IsRequired = true)]
public bool IncludeSubFolders
get { return (string)base["includeSubFolders"] == "true"; }
set { if (value) { base["includeSubFolders"] = "true"; } else { base["enable"] = "false"; } }
[ConfigurationProperty("fromPath", DefaultValue = "", IsKey = false, IsRequired = true)]
public string FromPath
get { return (string)base["fromPath"]; }
set { base["fromPath"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty("wildcard", DefaultValue = "*.*", IsKey = false, IsRequired = true)]
public string Wildcard
get { return (string)base["wildcard"]; }
set { base["wildcard"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty("recipientId", DefaultValue = "", IsKey = false, IsRequired = true)]
[StringValidator(InvalidCharacters = " ~!@#$%^&*()[]{}/;’\"|\\", MinLength = 1, MaxLength = 256)]
public string RecipientId
get { return (string)base["recipientId"]; }
set { base["recipientId"] = value; }
Now, whenever I call SSWConfig
and put it in a variable, I immediately get a TypeInitializationException
exception. I think because the GetSection
part returns null
. Is this because I've made a mistake in the App.config file?
An app.config with nested elements is new for me, so it could be that I'm defining it wrong.
Just posting my solution.
Apparently I was making it way harder than it actually is. I've started from scratch and after some modifications my settings get read.
Another error that I had is that I never actually read the configuration file (oops), thinking that it would happen automatically when calling the Configuration class.
// <sswcomm></sswcomm> settings
public class SSWConfigSSWComm : ConfigurationSection
public string Id
get { return (string)this["id"]; }
set { this["id"] = value; }
public int ConnectionInterval
get { return (int)this["connectionInterval"]; }
set { this["connectionInterval"] = value; }
public string ToPath
get { return (string)this["toPath"]; }
set { this["toPath"] = value; }
[ConfigurationCollection(typeof(SSWConfigFolderElement), AddItemName = "folder")]
public SSWConfigFolderElementCollection sswConfigFolders
get { return (SSWConfigFolderElementCollection)base["folders"]; }
// <folder> settings
public class SSWConfigFolderElementCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection
new public SSWConfigFolderElement this[string name]
get { return (SSWConfigFolderElement)base.BaseGet(name); }
public SSWConfigFolderElement this[int index]
get { return (SSWConfigFolderElement)base.BaseGet(index); }
protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
return new SSWConfigFolderElement();
protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)
return ((SSWConfigFolderElement)element).Id;
public class SSWConfigFolderElement : ConfigurationElement
public string Id
get { return (string)base["id"]; }
set { base["id"] = value; }
public bool Enable
get { return (string)base["enable"] == "true"; }
set { if (value) { base["enable"] = "true"; } else { base["enable"] = "false"; } }
public bool IncludeSubFolders
get { return (string)base["includeSubFolders"] == "true"; }
set { if (value) { base["includeSubFolders"] = "true"; } else { base["enable"] = "false"; } }
public string FromPath
get { return (string)base["fromPath"]; }
set { base["fromPath"] = value; }
public string Wildcard
get { return (string)base["wildcard"]; }
set { base["wildcard"] = value; }
[StringValidator(InvalidCharacters = " ~!@#$%^&*()[]{}/;’\"|\\", MinLength = 1, MaxLength = 256)]
public string RecipientId
get { return (string)base["recipientId"]; }
set { base["recipientId"] = value; }
Gathering the data
Configuration conf = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
SSWConfigSSWComm sc = (SSWConfigSSWComm)conf.GetSection("sswcomm");
string Id = sc.Id;
long lngInterval = sc.ConnectionInterval;
string toPath = sc.ToPath;
SSWConfigFolderElementCollection fec = sc.sswConfigFolders;
foreach (SSWConfigFolderElement fe in fec)
string fromPath = fe.FromPath;
string wildcard = fe.Wildcard;
bool includeSubFolders = fe.IncludeSubFolders;
string recipientId = fe.RecipientId;
sp.GetFiles(Id, recipientId, fromPath, toPath, wildcard, includeSubFolders);
Hopefully this will help someone in the future.