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UWP Windows 10 JS - background audio work when compile directly to my device, but not when opened from store

Let describe my issue:

I have developed JS app for Windows 10. It works on desktop- background audio, title, album cover- all stuff i need. In VisualStudio- when i deploy app to Mobile Emulator (10.10586)- still- background audio works even if app is gone. If i deploy my app through Visual Studio to my Mobile Device- everything works great (when it is run/deployed from visual studio). BUT (notice that) - if i open that compile app again from my device (later, i exit visual studio or just close the solution)- backrgound audio: didnt work. Hope i describe it well- i deploy app, which work great when compile it first time, but lately... didnt.

So, i can provide my code if someone need to check out, but i think is something with platform... and i am not sure how to fix that and how to get help with that :/

Thank you!


  • After research i made... there is no chance to build and complete that only with javascript. For now... after Anniversary update (2016, August) there is a chance- Microsoft employee confirms that will be possible and we can explorer that with this example they provide: ... so... will wait to see :)