I want to save a JSON response in aws-dynamodb, I am using aws-dynamodb-sdk. What I'm currently doing is:
func (e *DB) saveToDynamodb(data map[string]interface{}){
params := &dynamodb.PutItemInput{
Item: map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{
"Key": {
M: data,
TableName: aws.String("Asset_Data"),
resp, err := e.dynamodb.PutItem(params)
if err != nil {
But as you can see data is of map[string]interface{} type while the expected type is map[string]*AttributeValue that's why giving compilation error.
Is there any workaround to save a json response?
To put JSON in aws-dynamodb we first need to iterate through each attribute of JSON struct and convert it to dynamodb.AttributeValue in the following manner:
func (e *DB) saveToDynamodb(data map[string]interface{}){
var vv=make(map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue)
for k,v:=range data{
x:=(v.(string)) //assert string type
vv[k]=&dynamodb.AttributeValue{S: xx,}
params := &dynamodb.PutItemInput{
Item: vv,
TableName: aws.String("Asset_Data"), // Required
resp, err := e.dynamodb.PutItem(params)
if err != nil {
// Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and
// Message from an error.
// Pretty-print the response data.