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Meteor Accounts.emailTemplates.resetPassword.html

I use Meteor.js and I want to customize the reset password email body. I need to insert html code in the message body. I can do this with the following code:

Accounts.emailTemplates.resetPassword.html = function (user, url) {
    return //html-code here

But how do I insert text from a separate file?


  • You can use the meteorhacks:ssr package to perform Server Side Rendering of templates (i.e. a separate file) into your email body.

    Write your html content inside the /private directory, for example:

    <!-- file: private/forgotPassword.html -->
    Dear <b>{{username}}</b>,<br/>
    Please click on this link to reset your password<br/>

    Then load it like this:

    Accounts.emailTemplates.resetPassword.html = function (user, url) {
      SSR.compileTemplate('forgotPassword', Assets.getText('forgotPassword.html'));
      return SSR.render("forgotPassword", { username: user.username, url: url });