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One of strings in array to match an expression

The Problem:

I have an array of promises which is resolved to an array of strings. Now the test should pass if at least one of the strings matches a regular expression.

Currently, I solve it using simple string concatenation:

protractor.promise.all([text1, text2, text3]).then(function (values) {
    expect(values[0] + values[1] + values[2]).toMatch(/expression/);

Obviously, this does not scale well and is not particularly readable.

The Question:

Is is possible to solve it using a custom jasmine matcher, or jasmine.any() or custom asymmetric equality tester?


  • You could simply use map to get a list of boolean and then assert the result with toContain(true):

    var all = protractor.promise.all;
    var map =;
    expect(map(all([text1, text2, text3]), RegExp.prototype.test, /expression/)).toContain(true);

    You could also use a custom matcher:

    expect(all([text1, text2, text3])).toContainPattern(/expression/);

    And the custom matcher declared in beforeEach:

    beforeEach(function() {
        toContainPattern: function() {
          return {
            compare: function(actual, regex) {
              return {
                pass: actual.some(RegExp.prototype.test, regex), 
                message: "Expected [" + actual + "] to have one or more match with " + regex