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C - BitArray Segmentation Fault

I'm currently trying to implement the Sieve of Eratosthenes in C using a BitSet, but I get a segmentation fault, when I try to sieve the primes up to 1,000,000 (1 million) - 100,000 (100 thousand) is still working though and I can't figure out why I get the seg-fault.

This is the code I use (I marked the line, in which the error occurs):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

void eSieve(uint64_t upperLimit);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  uint64_t upperLimit;

  if (argc == 2) {
    upperLimit = (uint64_t) atoll(argv[1]);
    printf("Using custom limit: %" PRIu64 "\n", upperLimit);
  } else {
    upperLimit = 1000;
    printf("Using default limit: %" PRIu64 "\n", upperLimit);


  return 0;

typedef uint32_t prime_t;

void eSieve(uint64_t upperLimit) {
  if (upperLimit < 2) {
    printf("FAILURE: Bad upper limit.\n");

  prime_t *sieve = calloc(1, (upperLimit + sizeof(prime_t) - 1)/sizeof(prime_t));

  if (!sieve) {
    printf("FAILURE: Could not initialize sieve.\n");

  sieve[0] |= 3;    // Set first and second bit (representing 0 and 1)

  uint64_t prime, number;
  for (prime = 2; prime * prime < upperLimit; ) {
    for (number = prime * prime; number < upperLimit; number += prime) {
      // Segmentation fault for prime = 2 and number = 258048
      sieve[number/sizeof(prime_t)] |= (((prime_t) 1) << (number % sizeof(prime_t)));

    while ((sieve[++prime/sizeof(prime_t)] & (prime_t)1 << (prime % sizeof(prime_t))) != 0)

  number = upperLimit;
  while ((sieve[--number/sizeof(prime_t)] & (((prime_t)1) << (number % sizeof(prime_t)))) != 0)

  printf("Greatest prime-number below %" PRIu64 ": %" PRIu64 "\n", 
      upperLimit, number);

Does anybody know why the error occurs? I'm guessing that now enough space is allocated (somehow), but I can't see how this would be possible at the moment...


  • You're not getting the correct bit number:

    sieve[number/sizeof(prime_t)] |= (((prime_t) 1) << (number % sizeof(prime_t)));

    When you do the division and mod, you need to divide/mod by the number of bits, not the number of bytes:

    sieve[number/(sizeof(prime_t)*8)] |= (((prime_t) 1) << (number % (sizeof(prime_t)*8)));

    And similarly:

    while ((sieve[++prime/(sizeof(prime_t)*8)] & (prime_t)1 << (prime % (sizeof(prime_t)*8))) != 0)
    while ((sieve[--number/(sizeof(prime_t)*8)] & (((prime_t)1) << (number % (sizeof(prime_t)*8)))) != 0)


    You're also not allocating the right amount of memory. You need a number of bytes equal to the limit divided by the number of bits, plus 1 sizeof(prime_t) to round up.

    prime_t *sieve = calloc(1, (upperLimit / 8) + sizeof(prime_t));

    As it right now, you're allocating twice the bytes you need.

    Also, if you want to defend against cases where there are more or less than 8 bits to a byte, use CHAR_BIT in the above code in place of 8. Whatever sizeof(uint64_t) evaluates to shouldn't matter, as you'll still get the proper number of bits required.