I am developing a route to download files from a FTP location batch-wise. Please find below my route -
.log("Batch Index = ${header.CamelFileBatchIndex}, Batch Size = ${header.CamelFileBatchSize}")
The route works fine and all the files are downloaded. But the batch details (i.e. CamelFileBatchIndex and CamelFileBatchSize) are not getting logged.
Please find below the output -
**2016-06-28 18:56:24.600 INFO 8696 --- [ main] com.camel.examples.CamelApplication : Started CamelApplication in 9.814 seconds (JVM running for 11.237)**
**2016-06-28 18:56:28.594 INFO 8696 --- [/inbox] route1 : Batch Index = , Batch Size =**
You are using the wrong names for those fields. You can find their constant values here: http://camel.apache.org/maven/current/camel-core/apidocs/constant-values.html#org.apache.camel.Exchange.BATCH_INDEX
Its CamelBatchSize
and CamelBatchIndex