Is there a problem with calling an expression inside another expression ? Cause when I do:
create expression int js:hexToBin(hex) [
var bin = '';
for (var i = 0; i <= hex.length - 1; i += 1) {
bin += ('0000' + parseInt(hex.substr(i, 1), 16).toString(2)).slice(-4);
parseInt(bin, 2);
create expression int js:getTemperature(hex) [
hexToBin(hex.substring(4, 6));
I got an error \"hexToBin\" is not defined. (getTemperature#2). But when I put all of the code in getTemperature it works properly.
As already said in the expression you are in JavaScript and it has no idea of esper.
But an expression does not need to contain a single function. It is just some entry to a script so you can define multiple JavaScript functions within a single expression if you want to structure the code.