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MKPolyline Intersecting coordinates ios

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I have an array of lat long coordinates through which I created a MKPolyline now I want to find the intersecting point coordinates lat long of two MKPolyline. For this I have tried MKPolyLine Intersects or not method but it only returns the bool value, not lat long coordinates. Also I have tried to find out the mid point between 2 points but it's not working. So can we find the exact intersecting point between two MKPolyline.


  • Try This

    CGFloat m1, c1, m2, c2;
    CGFloat x11, y11, x12, y12; //line 1
    CGFloat x21, y21, x22, y22; //line 2
    CGFloat dx, dy;
    CGFloat intersection_X, intersection_Y;
    dx = x12 - x11;
    dy = y12 - y11;
    m1 = dy / dx;
    c1 = y11 - m1 * x11; 
    dx = x22 - x21;
    dy = y22 - y21;
    m2 = dy / dx;
    c2 = y22 - m2 * x22; 
    if( (m1 - m2) == 0)
        NSLog(@"No Intersection between the lines");
        intersection_X = (c2 - c1) / (m1 - m2);
        intersection_Y = m1 * intersection_X + c1;