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How to parse the string in to different arraylist of string type

I have string which contains 4 things and i want to store each thing in a list. The string contains food orders which is coming from android to server, and in server i have to parse it to display. The string looks like:

[:ordername:ordertime:orderprice: orderquantity:]

For 1 order case I want to enter ordername in name list and ordertime in time list and orderprice in pricelist and so on If more than 1 order will come it will be separated by commas like


I want to enter ordername,ordername2 in name list and ordertime, ordertime2 in time list and orderprice , orderprice2 in price list and so on.

this is what i have tried

String orderlist=request.getParameter("orderlist"); // this is a string which is coming from android to server containing orders

char[] orderarray=orderlist.toCharArray(); //converting string to char array
int comma_counter = 0;
int comma_counter1 = 0;

for (int i=0; i < orderlist.length(); i++){
    if (orderarray[i]==','){

      System.out.println("counter is"+comma_counter);
      System.out.println("order list length"+orderlist.length());

ArrayList <String> order_array_list = new ArrayList <String>();

int no=0;

String temp="";

    for (int j=no; j<orderarray.length; j++){
    System.out.println(" j is "+ j); 

            temp = temp+orderarray[j];
           // System.out.println("temp is "+temp);

        else if(orderarray[j]==','){
    String []parts= null;
    for(int i=0; i<order_array_list.size(); i++){
        String array= order_array_list.get(i);

        parts= array.split(":");

        for(int j=0; j<parts.length; j++)



  • Something like this will work:

    Map <Integer, List <String>> map = new HashMap <>();
    // Initialize the map
    map.put(1, new ArrayList <String> ());
    map.put(2, new ArrayList <String> ());
    map.put(3, new ArrayList <String> ());
    map.put(4, new ArrayList <String> ());
    String str = "[:ordername:ordertime:orderprice:orderquantity:]," + 
    // loop through each order set
    for (String s: str.split(","))
        // remove any leading and trailing spaces
        s = s.trim();
        // remove the brackets 
        s = s.replaceAll("[\\[\\]]", "");
        int i = 1;
        // loop through each order component
        for (String c: s.split(":"))
            // remove any leading and trailing spaces
            c = c.trim();
            if (c.length() > 0)


    {1=[ordername, ordername2], 2=[ordertime, ordertime2], 3=[orderprice, orderprice2], 4=[orderquantity, orderquantity2]}

    Note: For simplicity, I'm using a HashMap to contain all the Lists, but you can create the 4 lists outside of a HashMap if you wish. In that case, you would need to have if/else if conditions in the if (c.length() > 0) statement.