I have three entities. those are:
public class Organization {
private long id;
private String name;
public class Book {
private Long id;
private String name;
private Organization organization;
public class Account {
private Long id;
private String name;
private Book book;
In these three entities I would like to perform following sql:
SELECT acc.name, acc.id
FROM account acc
JOIN book b on acc.book_id = b.id
JOIN organization org on b.organization_id = org.id
WHERE org.name = 'XYZ'
In this case Account
entity has no relation with the Organization
entity directly. Account
entity has the relation via Book
. How can I achieve this using hibernate criteria dynamic query?
you can do like this :
Criteria accountCriteria = getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Account.class,"acc");
Criteria bookCriteria = accountCriteria .createCriteria("book","b");
Criteria orgCriteria = bookCriteria.createCriteria("organization","org");
orgCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", "XYZ"));
ProjectionList properties = Projections.projectionList();