Ok so I am new to spring and don't really know how this works. I have been trying a few things and think its close to doing it but not getting any data from the server and giving me this error
Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 4 of type [jp.co.fusionsystems.dimare.crm.service.impl.MyDataDefaultService]: : Error creating bean with name 'MyDataDefaultService' defined in file
My end point
//mobile data endpoint
value = API_PREFIX + ENDPOINT_MyData + "/getMyData",
method = RequestMethod.GET)
public MyData getMyData() {
return MyDataDefaultService.getData();
My Object
public class MyData {
public MyData(final Builder builder) {
videoLink = builder.videoLink;
private String videoLink;
public String getVideoLink()
return videoLink;
public static class Builder
private String videoLink = "";
public Builder setVideo(String videoLink)
this.videoLink = videoLink;
return this;
public MyData build()
return new MyData(this);
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
return ObjectUtils.equals(this, other);
public int hashCode() {
return ObjectUtils.hashCode(this);
public String toString() {
return ObjectUtils.toString(this);
The Repository
public classMyServerMyDataRepository implements MyDataRepository{
private finalMyServerMyDataJpaRepository jpaRepository;
private final MyDataConverter MyDataConverter = new MyDataConverter();
publicMyServerMyDataRepository(finalMyServerMyDataJpaRepository jpaRepository) {
this.jpaRepository = Validate.notNull(jpaRepository);
public MyData getData() {
MyDataEntity entity = jpaRepository.findOne((long) 0);
MyData.Builder builder = new MyData.Builder()
return builder.build();
The DefaultService that gets called by the endpoint
public class MyDataDefaultService {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NotificationDefaultService.class);
private finalMyServerMyDataRepository repository;
public MyDataDefaultService(MyServerMyDataRepository repository) {
this.repository = Validate.notNull(repository);
//Get the data from the server
public MobileData getData()
logger.info("Get Mobile Data from the server");
//Get the data from the repository
MobileData mobileData = repository.getData();
return mobileData;
The Converter
public class MyDataConverter extends AbstractConverter<MyDataEntity, MyData>
public MyData convert(MyDataEntity entity) {
MyData.Builder builder = new MyData.Builder()
return builder.build();
My Entity
@Table(name = “myServer”)
public class MyDataEntity extends AbstractEntity{
@Column(name = "video_link", nullable = true)
private String videoLink;
public String getVideoLink() {
return videoLink;
public void setVideoLink(final String videoLink) {
this.videoLink = videoLink;
Thank you for any help with this
Hibernate entity should have default constructor defined and implement Serializable
interface as well, assume AbstractEntity
matches the requirement. Hibernate won't accept an entity without a primary key so you have to define the one too:
@Table(name = “myServer”)
public class MyDataEntity implements Serializable {
private Long id;
@Column(name = "video_link", nullable = true)
private String videoLink;
public MyDataEntity() {
object represents the JSON server response, you can use Jackson
annotations to control the result JSON properties:
public class MyDataResponse {
private String videoLink;
public MyDataResponse() {
public MyDataResponse(String videoLink) {
this.videoLink = videoLink;
Spring has an awesome project so called Spring Data that provides the JPA repositories, so there's no even the @Repository
annotation ever needed:
public class MyDataRepository extends CrudRepository<MyDataEntity, Long> {
The Builder
class represents the Service layer:
public class MyDataService {
private MyDataRepository myDataRepository;
public MyDataResponse getMyData(Long id) {
MyDataEntity entity = myDataRepository.findOne(id);
...rest logic, copy necessary data to MyDataResponse
Then a controller is:
@RestController // @ResponseBody not needed when using like this
public MyDataController {
private MyDataService myDataService;
@RequestMapping("/getMyData") // no need to specify method for GET
public MyDataResponse getMyData(@RequestParam("ID") Long myDataId) {
... validation logic
return myDataService.getMyData(myDataId); // return response
Now it should work, don't forget to add required dependencies to your classpath.