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How can I call the function in controller from service

I would like to ask if is posible call function getItems(); in ItemController controller(It loads list of data) from fileUpload service(after upload image) - exaple bellow.

After upload I want to refresh list of items but I dont know how I should write the callback...

Thank you for help.

    app.controller('ItemController', ['$scope', '$http', 'fileUpload', function($scope, $http, fileUpload){
  function getItems(){  
        $scope.items = data;


app.service('fileUpload', ['$http', function ($http) {

        this.uploadFileToUrl = function(file, object, extId){
           var fd = new FormData();
           fd.append('file', file);
              $"../db/upload.php?object="+object+"&extId="+extId, fd, {
                  transformRequest: angular.identity,
                  headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}

                  ItemController.getItems(); // <= Here....after upload I would like to call function getItems()


  • What you should do is, do return a $http promise from a service method & then on that promise success call your controller method. Executing controller function into service isn't good practice to do, though you can achieve it by passing function as callback.

    this.uploadFileToUrl = function(file, object, extId){
       var fd = new FormData();
       fd.append('file', file);
       return $"../db/upload.php?object="+object+"&extId="+extId, fd, {
           transformRequest: angular.identity,
           headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}

    And then inside a controller you could call service method & then execute controller function on resolve of that promise

       getItems(); //controller function.