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How to regenerate .apt_generated folder

Looks like I am missing my .apt_generated and ejbModule folders in my JEE projects.

I get this exception:

Description Resource    Path    Location    Type
Source folder '.apt_generated' in project 'ent_randomCode_impl' cannot output to distinct source folder 'ejbModule' 

I looked in my project explorer for the folder, even changed the view customization to display *.resources'. Can't see it. How do I get eclipse to regenerate those folders?

If any of you has figured this out, I would appreciate the help.


  • Ok, I think I found an answer. Or at the very least I found steps to mitigate the problem.

    1) right click on your project and go to Build Path > configure Build Path 2) Go to the source tab and remove the .apt_generate folder.
    3) Clean your project and then re-add the folder to your project.

    That worked for me, not sure if it will work for you, and I am not sure why it worked either. Use at your own risk.