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draw flot graph with bar and line

I am trying to create a bar graph with a target line, using flot and jQuery.

The target remains the same each month, while the data moves up and down. I can create the bars without issue but I can't get the line to display. I'm not sure what I'm missing

I've uploaded the code which is causing me issue here:

<div id="risla-graph" class="graph"></div>

#risla-graph {
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
width: 80%;
height: 400px;

var datasets = [{"label":"ALL RiSLA","data":[{"0":1451606400000,"1":73.83},

var options = {"series":{"stack":0,"lines":
,"xaxis":{"mode":"time","timeformat":"%b %y"

plot = $.plot($('#risla-graph'),  datasets, options);


  • In your datasets array you're enclosing your lines options in a series object.

    series: {
        lines: {
            show: true,
            steps: true,

    The correct way to specify options for lines in the data object is without the series object (per Flot's

        color: color or number
        data: rawdata
        label: string
        lines: specific lines options
        bars: specific bars options
        points: specific points options
        xaxis: number
        yaxis: number
        clickable: boolean
        hoverable: boolean
        shadowSize: number
        highlightColor: color or number

    I've updated your JSFiddle to work.