I have a JTextPane in my application and I prepare some styles for various words/letters. These styles are applied via setCharacterAttributes
. Now I plan to style the background of some styles: If a style defines a background (say gray) and I want to soften the corners (round corners with ie. 3px).
Is there a way to add a special renderer that is used within setCharacterAttributes? Or, do you recommend HighlightPainter
added via pane.getHighlighter().addHighlight(...)
Ok, Your question is not very clear, but if I understand correctly, you intend to customize the default behaviour of the background properties on characters. You describes 2 approaches, and one is probably much easier than the other one.
1) Based on Character attributes (complex one) : You need to define your behaviour by overriding the paint
method in javax.swing.text.GlyphView
. Then, you will need to change the ViewFactory of your EditorKit to make it take your change into account. I would not recommend this approach.
2) Based on Highlights (easier one) : You need to define a new javax.swing.text.Highlighter.HighlightPainter
that paints the round borders as you wish. Then you need to find every set of text where a background is set. You remove the background and add your custom highlighter instead. You can optimize the process, but I think you already got this part.