please am very new new to angular and am trying to do something i don't know if its possible. I have a json data and i want to render the option on click of an item. What i want to achieve is to show models of a phone on click of the name, and on click of a phone model show all the phone parts. But whenever i click on a phone i get undefined in my console.
my app.js file
var app=angular.module('repairshop',[]);
this.phones = [
name: 'Apple',
model: [{ name: 'Iphone 5'}, {name: 'Iphone 6'},{name: 'Iphone 6s'}],
part: [{name:'ear phones'},{name:'external speakers'},{name:'Screen Guard'},{name:'Charger'}]
name: 'Samsung',
model: [{ name: 'S4'}, {name: 'S5'},{name: 'S6'}],
part: [{name:'ear phones'},{name:'external speakers'},{name:'Screen Guard'},{name:'Charger'}]
name: 'Nokia',
model: [{ name: 'Lumia'}, {name: '3310'},{name: 'Asha'}],
part: [{name:'ear phones'},{name:'external speakers'},{name:'Screen Guard'},{name:'Charger'}]
name: 'Blackberry',
model: [{ name: 'Passport'}, {name: 'Touch 10'},{name: 'Asha'}],
part: [{name:'ear phones'},{name:'external speakers'},{name:'Screen Guard'},{name:'Charger'}]
console.log (phone);
My Html View
<div class="phones_wrapper row">
<!--begin container-->
<div class="container">
<form class="" action="#" method="post" ng-controller="phoneController as phone" >
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3 phone_display center" ng-repeat="p in phone.phones">
<input type="radio" ng-click="loadModels(phone)" ng-model="" name="phone" ng-value="{{}}" />
<img src="">
<p class="text text-center phone_name">{{}}</p>
<!--begin container-->
Here is a simple example plnkr on how you can click on the list of the items you describe to view more details such as models and parts.
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="phone in phones" ng-click="showModels = true">{{}}
<ul ng-show="showModels">
<li ng-repeat="model in phone.model" ng-click="showParts = true">{{}}
<ul ng-show="showParts">
<li ng-repeat="part in phone.part">
Basically what you have to do is add repeaters and ng-click events to expand the content. I am pretty sure that from this example you will be able to fix it with your own styling and markup.
A better example where you can toggle the viewing of models and parts.
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="phone in phones" ng-click="showModels = !showModels; $event.stopPropagation()">{{}}
<ul ng-show="showModels">
<li ng-repeat="model in phone.model" ng-click="showParts = !showParts; $event.stopPropagation()">{{}}
<ul ng-show="showParts">
<li ng-repeat="part in phone.part">