Can someone please guide me on how to retrieve the list of all available rooms in openfire using strophe.js. I did not find anything really usefull related to this topic. Thanks
I spent few hours to find a solution, but it was easier than expected. I will add this part of code, so may be someone will need it in a future.
getListRooms = function(server){
var iq;
iq = $iq({
to: server,
from: connection.jid,
type: "get"
}).c("query", {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.DISCO_ITEMS
connection.sendIQ(iq.tree(), function (iq) {
if (!iq || iq.length == 0)
//jquery load data after loading the page.This function updates data after jQuery loading
$rootScope.$apply(function () {
$(iq).find("item").each(function () {
//your function to update
console.log('success, all rooms received'); }, function (err) { console.log('error, something went wrong with rooms receivig', err); });