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What's the difference between revert and generalize tactics in Coq?

From the Coq reference manual (8.5p1), my impression is that revert is the inverse of intro, but so is generalize to a certain extent. For example, revert and generalize dependent below seem to be the same.

Goal forall x y: nat, 1 + x = 2 + y -> 1 + x + 5 = 7 + y.
intros x y. revert x y.
intros x y. generalize dependent y. generalize dependent x. 

Is it just that generalize is more powerful than revert?

Also, the documentation is a bit circular in explaining things about generalize:

This tactic applies to any goal. It generalizes the conclusion with respect to some term.

Is generalize similar to the abstraction operator in lambda calculus?


  • Yes, generalize is more powerful. You've demonstrated it has at least the same power as revert by simulating revert with generalize. Notice that generalize works on any terms, revert -- only on identifiers.

    For example, revert cannot do the example from the manual:

      x, y : nat
      0 <= x + y + y
    Coq < generalize (x + y + y).
    1 subgoal
      x, y : nat
      forall n : nat, 0 <= n

    As for "circularity" of the definition, the real explanation is right below the example:

    If the goal is G and t is a subterm of type T in the goal, then generalize t replaces the goal by forall x:T, G0 where G0 is obtained from G by replacing all occurrences of t by x.

    Essentially, this says generalize wraps your goal in forall, replacing some term with a fresh variable (x).

    Of course, generalize should be used with some thought and caution, since one can get a false statement to prove after using it:

    Goal forall x y, x > 0 -> 0 < x + y + y.
      intros x y H.
      generalize dependent (x + y + y).
    (* results in this proof state: *)
      x, y : nat
      H : x > 0
       forall n : nat, 0 < n