Search code examples

Make custom validations in EXTJS as components

I have written custom validations like below

Ext.apply(Ext.form.field.VTypes, {
    valInt: function(v) {
        return /^(\d+(,\d+)*)?$/.test(v);
    valIntText: 'Must be in the form #,#',
    valIntMask: /[\d\,]/i

It works. But i want to make all such custom validation in a single file and then load it or auto load it. How do i do it?

I can do like below in app.js

 Ext.onReady(function() {    
  Ext.apply(Ext.form.field.VTypes, {
        valInt: function(v) {
            return /^(\d+(,\d+)*)?$/.test(v);
        valIntText: 'Must be in the form #,#',
        valIntMask: /[\d\,]/i

But then the app.js file will become big after all validations.


  • According to the documentation you can create an override, like:

    Ext.define('Override.form.field.VTypes', {
        override: 'Ext.form.field.VTypes',
        valInt: function(v) {
            return /^(\d+(,\d+)*)?$/.test(v);
        valIntText: 'Must be in the form #,#',
        valIntMask: /[\d\,]/i

    In your app.json there is a overrides key that declares the override directories, it looks like:

       * Comma-separated string with the paths of directories or files to search. Any classes
       * declared in these locations will be automatically required and included in the build.
       * If any file defines an Ext JS override (using Ext.define with an "override" property),
       * that override will in fact only be included in the build if the target class specified
       * in the "override" property is also included.
      "overrides": [