I am trying to learn Javascript. I came across the following code.
// Random function.
function order_summary(order_object) {
var x, y;
// More code here.
When I run this code in Jslint, it's giving me the following error.
Expected ';' and instead saw ','.
var x, y;
I don't see any problems with this code. Can anyone explain what this error means?
Jslint is a sort of a style enforcement tool and doesn't like having multiple variables declared on one line. To fix it, simply declare each variable on each line. e.g.
var x;
var y;
The reason why jslint doesn't like this is because javascript has semicolon insertion. So if you accidentally omit a comma like this:
var x
y = 10;
JS will insert the semicolon at the end of the first line and you would have accidentally created a global variable y.