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Getting lengthmenu value from datatable

I have the following option as part of:

"lengthMenu": [[10, 20, 50, 100, -1], [10, 20, 50, 100, "All"]],

and I'm attempting to get the value selected for lengthMenu. However, after looking through the jquery API I cannot seem to find anything to get this value after it has been changed. Any possible solutions you guys can think of?


  • The DataTables Documentation has what you are looking for! The function will return a lot of different information about the paging of a DataTable, including the number of records shown on each page (the selected value for lengthMenu).

    Here's a list of all the objects that will be returned by the call (all the things you can reference like how the above example does:

        "page": 1, //current page (0 based index)
        "pages": 6, //total number of pages
        "start": 10, //index of first element on page
        "end": 20, //index of last element on page
        "length": 10, //lengthMenu setting - this is what you want -
        "recordsTotal": 57, //total number of records
        "recordsDisplay": 57, //total number of records to display after filtering
        "serverSide": false //whether or not serverside processing is used

    With all this in mind, what you actually want will look like this

    var table = $('#example').DataTable(); //note that you probably already have this call
    var info =;
    var lengthMenuSetting = info.length; //The value you want

    All of this (in more detail and with some examples) is availiable at the link provided above.

    EDIT: Actually, if all you want is the page length, you can use to just get the length of the page, instead of getting