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Is there a clever way to determine the length of Java bytecode instructions?

I'm creating a static analysis tool for Java, and there's some information about the programs I'm analyzing that will be easier to get if I can get it from the bytecode in .class files.

I don't care about every single one the instructions that might be in the class file. E.g., I might only need to see if there are any getfield instructions.

The problem is that since each instruction has a variable length, it seems that in the general case, I need to (in my code) specify the length of every single opcode before I can determine where the (e.g.) getfield instructions start and end.

For some other instruction sets (like x86), there are rules like "any opcode below 0x0F is 1 byte, anything equal to or greater than 0x0F is two bytes."

Is there any convenient pattern like this in the Java bytecode instructions?


  • If you try to map instruction op codes to instruction sizes, you’ll get the following discouraging table:

    0 - 15       1 bytes
    16           2 bytes
    17           3 bytes
    18           2 bytes
    19 - 20      3 bytes
    21 - 25      2 bytes
    26 - 53      1 bytes
    54 - 58      2 bytes
    59 - 131     1 bytes
    132          3 bytes
    133 - 152    1 bytes
    153 - 168    3 bytes
    169          2 bytes
    170 - 171    special handling
    172 - 177    1 bytes
    178 - 184    3 bytes
    185 - 186    5 bytes
    187          3 bytes
    188          2 bytes
    189          3 bytes
    190 - 191    1 bytes
    192 - 193    3 bytes
    194 - 195    1 bytes
    196          special handling
    197          4 bytes
    198 - 199    3 bytes
    200 - 201    5 bytes

    In other words, there is no size information encoded in the instruction’s numeric value nor its bit pattern, but there is another property, which you can consider some sort of pattern: out of the ~200 defined instructions, roughly 150 instructions have the size of one byte, leaving only ~50 instructions which require any handling at all. Even this small group of instructions can be subdivided further into logical groups, the majority taking three bytes, the second biggest group taking two bytes.

    So the code of a method rushing through the instructions may look like:

    static void readByteCode(ByteBuffer bb) {
        while(bb.hasRemaining()) {
            switch(bb.get()&0xff) {
                case BIPUSH: // one byte embedded constant
                case LDC:    // one byte embedded constant pool index
                // follow-up: one byte embedded local variable index
                case ILOAD:  case LLOAD:  case FLOAD:  case DLOAD:  case ALOAD:
                case ISTORE: case LSTORE: case FSTORE: case DSTORE: case ASTORE: case RET:
                case NEWARRAY: // one byte embedded array type
                case IINC: // one byte local variable index, another one for the constant
                case SIPUSH: // two bytes embedded constant
                case LDC_W: case LDC2_W: // two bytes embedded constant pool index
                // follow-up: two bytes embedded branch offset
                case IFEQ: case IFNE: case IFLT: case IFGE: case IFGT: case IFLE:
                case IF_ICMPEQ: case IF_ICMPNE: case IF_ICMPLT: case IF_ICMPGE:
                case IF_ICMPGT: case IF_ICMPLE: case IF_ACMPEQ: case IF_ACMPNE:
                case GOTO: case JSR: case IFNULL: case IFNONNULL:
                // follow-up: two bytes embedded constant pool index to member or type
                case GETSTATIC: case PUTSTATIC: case GETFIELD: case PUTFIELD:
                case INVOKEVIRTUAL: case INVOKESPECIAL: case INVOKESTATIC: case NEW:
                case ANEWARRAY: case CHECKCAST: case INSTANCEOF:
                case MULTIANEWARRAY:// two bytes pool index, one byte dimension
                // follow-up: two bytes embedded constant pool index to member, two reserved
                case INVOKEINTERFACE: case INVOKEDYNAMIC:
                case GOTO_W: case JSR_W:// four bytes embedded branch offset
                case LOOKUPSWITCH:
                    // special handling left as an exercise for the reader...
                case TABLESWITCH:
                    // special handling left as an exercise for the reader...
                case WIDE:
                    int widened=bb.get()&0xff;
                    bb.getShort(); // local variable index
                    if(widened==IINC) {
                        bb.getShort(); // constant offset value
                default: // one of the ~150 instructions taking one byte

    I intentionally kept some of the instructions separated having the same number of follow-up bytes, but with a different meaning. After all, you want to insert some actual logic at certain places, I guess.

    Note that the handling of the two switch bytecode instructions is left out, they require padding whose implementation requires knowledge about the code alignment within the buffer, which is in control of the caller. So that’s up to your specific application. Refer to the documentation of lookupswitch and tableswitch.

    Of course, handling of all single byte instructions as default implies that the code won’t catch unknown or invalid instructions. If you want safety, you’ll have to insert the cases…