I'm using the node googleapi gmail client to send an email with the following code:
var email_lines = ["Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"\n",
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n",
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n",
"to: ", "thing@gmail.com", "\n",
"from: ", "thing2@gmail.io", "\n",
"subject: ", "the subject", "\n\n",
"this is the best message"
var email = base64.encode(email_lines.trim().replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_') );
userId: "thing@gmail.com",
resource :{
raw: email
mimeType: "message/rfc822"
The email gets sent but the body of the message shows up in a file that you have to download. How can I prevent the file attachment and have the text show up in the email itself?
Your line:
var email = base64.encode(email_lines.trim().replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_') );
should actually be:
var email = base64.encode(email_lines.trim()).replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_');
You need to encode to base64 your mail then do your replacements instead of doing them and then encoding to base64.