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Using to include a library

I am using to compile a c++ code which references a library, CGNS, but am having some difficulty with using to do so. CGNS compiles to a library, with a folder for the platform, for example [path]/LINUX for the linux build. I would like to include the library [path]/LINUX/libcgns.a in the build. I would like this to be cross-platform, so that the LINUX directory is referenced for LINUX builds and the WIN directory is used for WIN builds (I believe there are platform conditionals for this).

I managed to include the library header files, but how do I go about the conditional include of the library? My simple test Jamroot.jam, where main.cpp is just an example from the CGNS docs.

exe CGNSTest 
    : src/main.cpp 
    : <include>../Dependencies/cgnslib ;

Also, I would like to build in the CGNS library into my binary (static reference?)


  • Using two references,, and, I created something that works, but it may not be the ideal.

    lib cgns 
        : # sources 
        : # requirements
        : # default-build
        : # usage-requirements
          <include>./../Dependencies/cgnslib ;
    alias static_libraries : cgns : <link>static ;
    exe CGNSTest 
        : src/main.cpp static_libraries 
        : <target-os>windows:<linkflags>/NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRTD ;