I have an EJB which has as input argument and return value a JAXB mapped complex structure (with subclasses etc).
Now I want to deploy this on the Oracle Service Bus 11g. I can create a business proxy invoking the EJB, but only with basic types (int, ...).
How do i tunnel the XML between EJB and OSB? Any advanced OSB information is appreciated, as I don't know much about it.
After playing around, it turns out the OSB supports (afaik only) Apache XMLBeans. Thus if you declare parameters and return values of type org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject it works. I did get some errors concerning DOM v3 not being implemented and some crashes in the oracle DOM implementation, so I just use the XmlObject to create an XML string, and the reparse it.
@Euclides: I have XMLObject and XmlObject in my classpath. I need the second (lower case). Thanks for the hint, anyway.