I am struggeling writing a identifier parser, which parses a alphanum string which is not a keyword. the keywords are all in a table:
struct keywords_t : x3::symbols<x3::unused_type> {
keywords_t() {
add("for", x3::unused)
("in", x3::unused)
("while", x3::unused);
} const keywords;
and the parser for a identifier should be this:
auto const identifier_def =
(x3::alpha | '_') >> *(x3::alnum | '_')
now i try to combine these so an identifier parser fails on parsing a keyword. I tried it like this:
auto const identifier_def =
(x3::alpha | '_') >> *(x3::alnum | '_')
and this:
auto const identifier_def =
(x3::alpha | '_') >> *(x3::alnum | '_') - keywords
it works on most inputs but if a string starts with a keyword like like int, whilefoo, forbar
the parser fails to parse this strings.
how can i get this parser correct?
Your problem is caused by the semantics of the difference operator in Spirit. When you have a - b
Spirit does the following:
a - b
fails and nothing is parsed.b
fails then it checks whether a
fails, a - b
fails and nothing is parsed.a
succeeds, a - b
succeeds and parses whatever a
parses.In your case (unchecked_identifier - keyword
) as long as the identifier starts with a keyword, keyword
will match and your parser will fail. So you need to exchange keyword
with something that matches whenever a distinct keyword is passed, but fails whenever the keyword is followed by something else. The not predicate
) can help with that.
auto const distinct_keyword = x3::lexeme[ keyword >> !(x3::alnum | '_') ];
Full Sample (Running on Coliru):
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
namespace parser {
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
struct keywords_t : x3::symbols<x3::unused_type> {
keywords_t() {
add("for", x3::unused)
("in", x3::unused)
("while", x3::unused);
} const keywords;
x3::rule<struct identifier_tag,std::string> const identifier ("identifier");
auto const distinct_keyword = x3::lexeme[ keywords >> !(x3::alnum | '_') ];
auto const unchecked_identifier = x3::lexeme[(x3::alpha | x3::char_('_')) >> *(x3::alnum | x3::char_('_'))];
auto const identifier_def = unchecked_identifier - distinct_keyword;
//This should also work:
//auto const identifier_def = !distinct_keyword >> unchecked_identifier
bool is_identifier(const std::string& input)
auto iter = std::begin(input), end= std::end(input);
bool result = x3::phrase_parse(iter,end,identifier,x3::space);
return result && iter==end;
int main() {
std::cout << parser::is_identifier("fortran") << std::endl;
std::cout << parser::is_identifier("for") << std::endl;
std::cout << parser::is_identifier("integer") << std::endl;
std::cout << parser::is_identifier("in") << std::endl;
std::cout << parser::is_identifier("whileechoyote") << std::endl;
std::cout << parser::is_identifier("while") << std::endl;