I have a small class that should allow me to rename and move some files and directories. Compilation gives me no syntax errors but when trying to execute, it freezes and I an error is displayed : Error: ';' expected - without specifying a line.
My code is:
class Move{
public void Move(){}
public static void moveDir(String Name){
File Template_1 = new File("Template_1.pdf");
File NamePDF = new File(Name+"PDF.pdf");
File NameFile = new File(Name);
File usr = new File(org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.getUserDirectoryPath()+File.separator+"Pdf_Auswertung");
org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.copyFile(Template_1, NamePDF);
org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.moveFileToDirectory(NamePDF, NameFile, true);
org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.moveDirectoryToDirectory(NameFile, usr, true);
} catch (IOException e){}
And also I coudn't figure out where a semicolon is missing or a line should be ending. Any ideas?
On this line:
You are trying to create a directory using a pdf filename. You should specify where are you creating the directory.
If the NamePDF File exists you could do this to get the parent directory: