Can anyone tell me how to convert input text into greek letters?
Explanation: I want to convert text which I type in input box into greek letters. Please help me out.
<input type="text" id="my_text">
<p id="output"></>
<button onclick="greek()">Now</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
function greek() {
var text = document.getElementById("my_text").value;
Here I don't know what to do ??
First you need to define how your latin input text shall be transliterated into the greek alphabet. See e. g. for possible transliteration tables.
You would then create a JavaScript map from the chosen table:
let transliteration = {"a": "α", "b": "β", ... }
To perform the actual transliteration, you will need to write a function
function transliterate(string) {
var result = "";
for (chr of string) {
result += (transliteration[chr] || "_");
return result;
For non-transliteratable characters, placeholder "_" will be returned.
If you chose a transliteration scheme which contains bigrams ("ai") or trigrams ("nch"), you could employ a regex:
let transliteration = {"a": "α", "ai": "αι", "av": "αυ", "v": "β", "g": "γ", ...};
let result = string.replace(/ai|av|ng|a|v|g|.../g, chr => transliteration[chr]);