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Cross side scripting user name validation

I am working on a java script based application where I need to validate the username text box then what are all the symbols I should avoid in order to block cross side scripting using REGEX


  • For just a username you should maybe accept only alphanumeric chars, something like: ~^[a-z0-9_.-]+$~i

    [EDIT] to add explanations:

    • ~: delimiter but in JS you will need / to delimit instead
    • i: case insensitive flag
    • ^: match beginning of string
    • $: match end of string
    • []: match characters in between those brackets
    • a-z: is a to z range
    • 0-9: 0 to 9 range
    • _.-: also accepts those chars
    • +: is to allow this pattern 1 or more times