I've bumped into an issue while trying out Elm. I want to pass a union type through a port but I get this error:
Port `setStorage` is trying to communicate an unsupported type.
34| port setStorage : Model -> Cmd msg
The specific unsupported type is:
The types of values that can flow through in and out of Elm include:
Ints, Floats, Bools, Strings, Maybes, Lists, Arrays,
Tuples, Json.Values, and concrete records.
I've modified the Todo example as follows:
type alias Task =
{ description : String
, completed : Bool
, editing : Bool
, id : Int
, importance : Importance -- <- this is the new field
type Importance
= Normal
| High
| Low
This issue appears to be quite old. One commenter suggests to "pass Json.Values through ports and Json.Decode/Encode them" but how exactly to do that? The documentation appears a bit unclear and lacks full examples. Any help appreciated.
I've made it work with Json.Decoder/Encoder. Wasn't that difficult after all although having to serialize every single field just to pass that one union type is quite a burden.
modelDecoder : Json.Decoder Model
modelDecoder =
Json.object4 Model
("tasks" := Json.list taskDecoder)
("field" := Json.string)
("uid" := Json.int)
("visibility" := Json.string)
taskDecoder : Json.Decoder Task
taskDecoder =
Json.object5 Task
("description" := Json.string)
("completed" := Json.bool)
("editing" := Json.bool)
("id" := Json.int)
("importance" := Json.string `andThen` importanceDecoder)
importanceDecoder : String -> Json.Decoder Importance
importanceDecoder tag =
case tag of
"Normal" -> Json.succeed Normal
"High" -> Json.succeed High
"Low" -> Json.succeed Low
_ -> Json.fail (tag ++ " is not a recognized tag for Importance")
And encoders:
modelToValue : Model -> Json.Encode.Value
modelToValue model =
("tasks", Json.Encode.list (List.map taskToValue model.tasks)),
("field", Json.Encode.string model.field),
("uid", Json.Encode.int model.uid),
("visibility", Json.Encode.string model.visibility)
taskToValue : Task -> Json.Encode.Value
taskToValue task =
("description", Json.Encode.string task.description),
("completed", Json.Encode.bool task.completed),
("editing", Json.Encode.bool task.editing),
("id", Json.Encode.int task.id),
("importance", importanceToValue task.importance)
importanceToValue : Importance -> Json.Encode.Value
importanceToValue importance =
case importance of
Normal -> Json.Encode.string "Normal"
High -> Json.Encode.string "High"
Low -> Json.Encode.string "Low"