Here is the thing. I've created a little Qt chat application for my work office. It is only for lan connected clients. I implemented this by using QGraphicsTextItem for the messages inside bubbles which are a rounded rectancles.
To really complete it I need to add emojis to it. All chat-like applications have them. The thing is that I don't know how to implement them. I've read that they are part of the unicode standad. (the unicode codes for this link proves it, but I have no idea how to render it in a QGraphicsTextItem. Is it even possible?
I could do a very very manual labor of separating the user string and actually use multiple text items to render the parts fo the strings separated by emojis y and then the emoji themselves as a separate graphical entity, but I rather not do that if I can avoid it.
Any ideas?
There's nothing to do: the emojis are simply characters, you can copy-paste them from the "Brow" column in the page you cited, just like you would any other character e.g. from this answer (including the emoji!). A sane compiler assumes that your source is UTF-8 encoded, as do most editors, so it will be transparent. If the relevant fonts are installed, it will just work.
#include <QtWidgets>
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QApplication app{argc, argv};
QGraphicsScene scene;
QGraphicsView view{&scene};
QGraphicsTextItem item{QStringLiteral("I'm a happy 👧. 😀")};
return app.exec();