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restarting bitcoin tesnet docker container, error flag '-ti'

I'm trying to restart a docker container so instead of using the command

docker run -ti --name btcdev -P -p 49020:19000 poliver/bitcoin-dev-box

but because run creates a new container- and it's already been created- I need to just reconnect to one that already working. So I'm using the command:

docker start -ti --name btcdev -P -p 49020:19000 poliver/bitcoin-dev-box

but I'm getting the error:

flag provided but not defined: -ti

so then, my question is, what does '-ti' mean?

can I just drop it? as in- not use that?

I've been looking in the docker documentation but I've not been able to find the answer.


  • `docker ps -a' shows you the containers, and importantly, their hashes.

    next user docker start HASH to wake it up

    then use docker attach HASH to connect, where HASH is the hash of the container